xDev Magazine
Volume 22 Book Pre-Order Sale!
Here's a new way to enjoy xDev Magazine magazine: we've combined a full year's worth of issues into a printed perfect-bound book!
This is a terrific way to keep your collection in permanent print form for easy reading any time you need to reread an article or need advice on a particular topic.
Volume 22 is over 500 pages and contains the complete contents of all issues published in Year Nineteen (issues 22.1-22.6, Jan. 2024-Dec. 2024).
The book retails for $60, but as a special introductory offer, if you pre-order the book, we're going to knock a whopping 25% off the price! That's just $44.99!
Because this is a pre-order, the special price is only good through January 31, 2025! So hurry to take advantage of this significant discount today. (If you're an existing subscriber, you can save even more -- see this order page for details.)
(The book will ship in February 2025.)
SALE!$59.99Through January 31, 2025 save 25%!
Pre-order for onlyThis includes all the issues of xDev Magazine magazine published in Year 22 (22.1 - 22.6, Jan 2024-Dec 2024). The book is 500+ pages with black-and-white interior and a full-color cover.
You must include your email and mailing addresses with your order.
For Academic Packages, please see the academic pricing on our store. Our Academic products are already generously discounted and do not qualify for additional discounts.
For our other products, such as collections and PDF back issues, please see our store. Feel free to mix-and-match items simply by placing them in your shopping cart!
Important Note: xDev Magazine magazine is published by DesignWrite. If you purchase from our store with a credit card, it will show DesignWrite on your credit card bill.
You will receive a receipt by e-mail.